Scheduling maintenance functions

Getting started

Before you begin using Scheduling for the first time, make sure all of the following steps are completed. If you previously used the Lesson & Appointment Scheduling module, you must complete conversion steps before using Scheduling.

  1. Download and install Scheduler.exe from the Member Portal. This is part of the file in the Documentation section.
  2. Verify the Scheduling system variables are set up appropriately for your store.
  3. Create your appointment types. You must create at least one appointment type before you can create classes. Appointment types are the basis for classes you will schedule for groups or individuals. For example, you might create an appointment type for Beginning Embroidery. Then, you'd create a group class for Beginning Embroidery that meets once a week on Wednesdays and another that meets once a month on Saturdays.
  4. Establish class areas for each space where a class will take place (courts, classrooms, studios, ranges, and so on). You must create at least one area before you can create classes.
  5. Establish your fee codes. You must create at least one fee code. Fee codes determine the percentage or amount an instructor receives from each student payment. If all instructors will receive the same percentage of amount for all classes, you only need one fee code. Otherwise, create a fee code for each percentage or amount an instructor might receive.
  6. Establish instructor information. You must create at least one instructor record, with availability, before you can create classes. If an appointment type does not have an associated instructor you will be unable to create a class for that type.
  7. Create any absence reasons to use when a student misses a class. Students must pay for missed classes when the absence is unexcused. Excused absences can be made up later.
  8. Create your classes. Each class has an associated appointment type, instructor, area, and instructor fee code, all set up in the preceding steps. You will also assign a student billing rate, indicate if this class is for individuals or groups, and establish when the class takes place. Classes may take place only once or may be recurring. Once you've created one or more classes you can begin building a working schedule.

System variables

System variables are system-wide settings. The Scheduling features have their own set of variables that control everything from appointment type or instructor color-coding on the Scheduling window to your customized "Instructor" labels. AIMsi is installed with defaults for all system variables, but it is recommended that you review your Scheduling variables to be sure they are set up in a way that works best for your store.

Appointments and classes

Appointments identify the types of classes that can be scheduled for groups and individuals. Appointments can be reused as many times as necessary to create different classes. A bike store might create appointments for bike school and how to change a flat. Later, classes are created to hold Bike School every other Monday with Jovie Winter and every other Wednesday with JuanCarlos Martinez on alternating weeks (two classes, one appointment type) and to hold a How to Change a Flat class once a month with Jovie (one class, one appointment type). Classes can be created for individuals (private) or groups without creating separate appointment types.

Color coding

The Scheduling window can optionally display classes in different colors based on the appointment type or instructor for the class. This makes it easier to identify classes quickly when viewing the schedule. For example, if you own a salon, you might choose to color code your schedule by instructor (on the Add/Change Instructors window). Color coding by instructor enables you to quickly see which employee has time scheduled and which have availability for the selected appointment type. If you own a hobby store, you might choose to color code your schedule by appointment type (on the Add/Change Appointments window). This enables you to see quickly identify the types of classes currently scheduled.

Fee codes and billing

Fee codes determine the amount you charge for a specific appointment type and the amount an instructor receives for that appointment type. Fee codes can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage. When you set up your appointment types, you'll establish a fee code for the type as well as a billing schedule. Combined this tells AIMsi when to bill your students and how much. For example, you could set up a fee code for $35.00 that bills on a class-by-class basis. Or perhaps you set up a fee code of 75% that bills monthly. Create as many fee codes as necessary to combine with billing periods to suit the needs of each appointment type.